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About Contacts ProductsProjects AgGaGeS4 AgGa1-xInxSe2 HgGa2S4 AgGaGe5Se12
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Structural and Physical Properties
Crystal symmetry and class Tetragonal, S4
Space group S24
Melting points (oC) 880
Density (gram/cm3) 4.95
Optical and NLO Properties (orange phase)
Optical transmission ( mm ) 0.5 to 12.5
Energy gap (eV) 2.84

Laser damage threshold ( MW/cm2 )
t = 10 ns, l = 1.06 mm (single pulse)
60 at surface
t = 18 ns, l = 1.064 mm, n = 10 Hz
30 at surface
Dispersion of refractive indices
(Experimental values)
l (mm) no ne
0.5495 2.6592 2.5979
0.6500 2.5796 2.5264
1.0760 2.4774 2.4324
3.5400 2.4386 2.3979
11.000 2.3690 2.3290
Nonlinear optical coefficients:
d36 (1.064 mm) = 1.8 d36 ( AgGaS2 ) ± 15% = (35.2 ± 5.3 ) pm/V
d31 (1.064 mm) = 0.6 d36 ( AgGaS2 ) ± 15% = (11.7 ± 1.8 ) pm/V
d36 / d31 = +3
dooe = d36 sin q sin 2j + d31 sin q cos 2j                   jopt = 36o;
deoe = doee = d36 sin 2q cos 2j - d31 sin 2q sin 2j      jopt = 81o.

Dispersion of refractive indices ( Sellmeier equations, l in mm )
n2o = 6.2081522 - 63.706298 / ( 225.0 - l2 ) - 0.23698804 / ( 0.09568646 - l2 );
n2e = 6.0090267 - 63.280659 / ( 225.0 - l2 ) - 0.21489656 / ( 0.09214633 - l2 ).

Conversion efficiency for CO2 laser 10% (t = 30 ns,
power density 60 MW/cm 2, L = 4 mm)


We have priority in growth of HgGa2S4 nonlinear crystals. High values of laser damage threshold and conversion efficiency allow to use those crystals for frequency doubling and OPO/OPA in the wavelength range from 1.0 to 10 mm. It was established that SHG efficiency of CO2 laser radiation for 4 mm length HgGa2S4 element is about 10 % ( pulse duration 30 ns, radiation power density 60 MW/cm2). The high conversion efficiency and wide range of radiation wavelength tuning allows to expect that this material may compete with AgGaS2, AgGaSe2, ZnGeP2 and GaSe crystals in spite of the considerable difficulty of big size crystals growth process.

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